
Validation and dissemination of eco-sustainable production techniques to maximize productivity and reduce risks for industry operators and consumers.


Improvement of environmental and ecological sustainability by reducing the impact of various production activities, both at the company and territorial levels.


Transfer of knowledge and innovations to farmers for appropriate field application.

The Project

INNORTIFLORIS is a project funded by the Sicilian Region under the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development. Its goal is to experiment with a series of innovative tools for the integrated protection of cultivated plants, both ornamental and horticultural, resulting in products with reduced toxicological risk and high organoleptic and health characteristics.


Through a multidisciplinary approach, the project aims to transfer and validate a range of innovative tools for the integrated protection of cultivated plants, both ornamental and horticultural, in order to obtain products with reduced toxicological risk and high organoleptic and health characteristics.


Explore our gallery!
An overview of the activities of an experimental project dedicated to environmental sustainability and human health. We present images that celebrate the beauty of plants cultivated ecologically, without harmful pesticides. An inspiration for creating sustainable green spaces where colorful blooms and healthy yields harmoniously blend.

Project Duration (Months)
Provinces Involved